Cook cocaine into crack
Cook cocaine into crack

cook cocaine into crack

Furthermore, because crack cocaine is mostly smoked, users often develop what is termed “crack lip,” blisters and burns on the lips, caused by the hot glass pipes that are used for smoking. Ammonia is especially harmful to smokers' lungs, as well as those who breathe it in second hand. Because crack is created with ammonia, toxic fumes are emitted when it is smoked.

cook cocaine into crack

While the side effects and risks of using crack are similar to those of using cocaine, amphetamine and methamphetamine, there are specific dangers of smoking crack cocaine, in addition. The product may not resemble its origins of cocaine much at all by the time it gets to the streets. While cocaine is expensive, crack is sold in heavily altered forms cheaply. Crack cocaine is a processed form of cocaine created for smoking. The immediate rush of pleasure that courses through the body of a crack user can often be addictive from the first hit. Street Names for Crack Crack cocaine has many nicknames, including: Because these are common household items, crack can be produced and sold cheaply and created simply as a result, it became a highly popular and widely abused drug in the 1980s. While cocaine is a derived from the South American coca plant and processed by reducing it to a white powdered substance, crack is produced from the powder by “washing” with either ammonia or a dissolved fluid product made from baking soda. Crack cocaine is a schedule II narcotic by federal classification, guidelines for which are found in The Controlled Substances Act, enacted by Congress in 1970.

Cook cocaine into crack